Dr. Southers' Response to Federal Commission on School Safety Final Report - Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Dr. Southers’ Response to Federal Commission on School Safety Final Report

Final Report of the Federal Commission on School Safety

In December 2018, the Federal Commission on School Safety released its final report, proposing best practices and policy recommendations for improving school safety. The report is broad in scope, putting forward a range of ideas that have attracted both praise and criticism.

SCI Director Dr. Erroll Southers is a board member of the Secure Schools Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on improving school security infrastructure, security technology and life safety systems as a part of a holistic approach to school safety and security. Following the School Safety Commission report’s release and speaking as an Alliance board member, Dr. Southers said:

“The final report from the Federal Commission on School Safety is expansive. While the report contains best practices and recommendations that could be effective in preventing school violence, there are other problematic suggestions that give one reason to pause. While the Alliance does not endorse this report in full, we recognize that stopping school violence is a complex, multifaceted challenge. Defining the most effective methods to stop school violence will require further research, continued collaboration between the public, non-profit, academic and private sectors, and an enduring allegiance to the safety of the nation’s students.”

Read the full statement from the Secure Schools Alliance.

Safe Communities Institute

The Safe Communities Institute (SCI) at the USC Price School of Public Policy continues a more than 60-year tradition of research, interdisciplinary education, and collaboration to advance sustainable “whole-of-community” public safety strategies, policies, and programs. SCI takes a holistic approach to encouraging and informing public safety efforts through collaboration between all public safety disciplines and the communities they serve.

Officer Spotlight - Lieutenant Lamont Quarker  has dedicated over two decades to serving and protecting his community with the Rialto Police Department Read more.
