John B. Furay 5th - Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

John B. Furay 5th


John B. Furay 5th is a Senior Special Agent in the United States Secret Service and has  been with the United States Secret Service as a Special Agent since 1998. 

Academically, he possesses a Bachelor’s degree Summa Cum Laude with honors,  Master’s Degree with honors, Juris Doctorate, and a Doctorate in Public Administration with his dissertation and focus of studies addressing Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forcing by  Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies in Response to a Domestic Terrorist  Incident. 

He is also a graduate of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of  Government Leadership in Homeland Security Program. 

He has served as a law enforcement lecturer in the fields of cyber and infrastructure security  and digital forensics and investigations of cyber related crimes at national law enforcement  academies and institutes and command level programs both within the United States and  overseas, and is on academic faculties at two universities within the Southern California region. 

He is assigned to the United States Secret Service’s Los Angeles Field Office and its  Cyber Fraud Task Force and Regional Digital Forensics Lab. There he serves as  an Electronic Crimes Special Agent in Digital Forensics, Cyber Crimes, Critical  Infrastructure Protection, and Cyber Threat Intelligence. Within the field of critical  infrastructure operations, his work pertains to municipal, state, and national  infrastructure critical infrastructure and key resources security wherein he works with  stakeholders at the national, regional, state, and municipal levels within both the public  and private sector domains. 

From the United States Secret Service’s Los Angeles Field Office and its Cyber Task  Force, he is presently seconded to the Beverly Hills Police Department’s West Side  High Tech Crimes Task Force and Digital Forensic Lab which is a cyber-crimes task  force with multiple law enforcement partners for all of Los Angeles County.  

His responsibilities as a Senior Special Agent within task force operations  include protective operations and criminal investigations to include conducting Federal  and State criminal investigations, cyber-criminal investigations, critical infrastructure  protection and intelligence, cyber and criminal intelligence and analysis, and performing  digital forensic investigations pertaining to a host of cyber networked platforms, mobile device and vehicle based platforms, wearable technologies, and local, regional, and  national cyber and physical critical infrastructure and key resource (CI/KR) systems.

Throughout his career, he has further served in a host of protective operational and  liaison assignments within the United States and overseas as well as having served on  multiple criminal investigative task force and investigative assignments both nationally  and overseas. He has also served as the operational coordinator for critical  infrastructure protection assignments for multiple National Security Special Events  (NSSE) as well as Special Events Assessments Ratings (SEAR) events.

SCI Black History Month Spotlight - Dr. Erroll G. Southers - Thank you, Dr. Southers, for your dedicated work in enhancing safety and security in our communities. Read more.
