Announcing New Leadership at SCI
SCI’s Jessie Redd will serve as the Institute’s interim director.
Safe Communities Institute (SCI)
SCI’s Jessie Redd will serve as the Institute’s interim director.
Terrorists will not stand down after the presidential inauguration, nor will they destroy our democracy.
Preventing homegrown violent extremism must be a national priority, and the United States must take much stronger steps to stop it.
We watched a man killed by police officers while he begged to breathe. The time for talk is over, and the time for change is now.
The coronavirus is a global threat, but violent extremists aren’t standing down. Neither can we.
When it comes to gun violence, we have options, but they require leadership.
The right-wing extremist threat that has been festering and growing for years is now at a critical level of participation and action. The result is terrorism.
The counterterrorism insight from Brenton Tarrant’s horrific actions in New Zealand is not that he is an aberration in right-wing extremism; it’s that he is not.
This year, the Safe Communities Institute embarked on a mission to facilitate and energize a national conversation on school safety.
Without reliable data and a holistic, coordinated effort, we will continue to see regular violence at our nation’s schools.
SCI Black History Month Spotlight - Dr. Erroll G. Southers - Thank you, Dr. Southers, for your dedicated work in enhancing safety and security in our communities. Read more.