The Police Misconduct Registry (PMR) is the first comprehensive, publicly available national catalog to collect data regarding officers fired or who resign because of misconduct. Law enforcement agencies will also be able to access crucial analytical data regarding trends and patterns of potential misconduct causalities.

The objective is to increase the public trust and legitimacy of law enforcement officers serving the community while also helping departments hire the best possible candidates. The PMR is continually populated with all instances of police misconduct anywhere in the United States.


The PMR fuels improvements in American policing and accountability to the public. The outcomes are in four areas: 

Transparency – Increase departmental integrity and accountability with the communities in which officers serve.

Screening – Offer immediate and significant cost savings in officer applicant screening and background checks.

Research – Deliver expert analysis and publication of data-driven trends and patterns of misconduct causalities.

Policy – Engage state and federal legislators interested in including the Police Misconduct Registry in relevant legislation.


Tipping Point Connectors – We are actively seeking strategically located community and law enforcement stakeholders who are committed, competent and connected to implement our mission.

PMR Advisory Board – We are creating a board that is representative of appropriate community and law enforcement stakeholders to provide input on PMR strategic objectives.

Entry/Redress Review – We seek the counsel and recommendations of our board to review officer PMR entries, as well as to facilitate redress decisions regarding officers to be removed from the system.

Officer Spotlight - Hatcher Parnell is Director of the Office of Executive Protection Services at the University of Southern California (USC)! Read more.
