Safe Communities Institute (SCI)
Officer Spotlight – Commander Marc Reina
Los Angeles Police Department Commander Marc Reina is the Commanding Officer of Central Area, the largest command of the 21 geographical patrol divisions in Los Angeles. A recent graduate of SCI’s Public Safety Leadership Program, Comdr. Reina has vast experience in dealing with community issues, has been an advocate for child welfare, and has worked closely with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services for many years. He has also worked with other law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, during joint, in-depth investigations.
Comdr. Reina is committed to strengthening relationships between the LAPD and the community it serves. To this end, he educates elementary students and young adults regarding personal safety and career opportunities in the law enforcement. He worked with USC staff to create an internship program, which allows graduate Social Work students to team with LAPD officers and conduct outreach, and enhance collaboration among service providers in the Skid Row area of downtown. This program is the only one of its kind within the LAPD. Thank you Commander Reina for your service!