Grace Weltman - Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Grace Weltman


Grace Weltman, founder of Communities in Motion, has more than 20 years of public policy, nonprofit leadership and community development experience. She has led many collaborative efforts focused on improving social and human services. Leveraging her experiences and expertise in public policy and nonprofit management, Grace has been providing nonprofit capacity building, training, and technical assistance to nonprofit and government organizations, specialties in strategic planning, public policy, evaluation, and management. Grace has extensive community planning, group facilitation, and community engagement experience, which spans across her professional and volunteer experience.

Professionally, Grace started her career in early childhood development and child care as the Founding Executive Director of the Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles. Grace has helped build a coordinated system of care for L.A. County’s subsidized child care system, leading thirteen nonprofit and government agencies as they collectively administered $500 million in child care subsidies annually. She then transitioned to nonprofit training and technical assistance in 2010, creating comprehensive capacity building and community engagement programs.

In the homeless delivery system, Grace has extensive policy and planning experience at the nonprofit and government level. Grace has led community planning efforts and worked on addressing youth homelessness in South Los Angeles. She also was the Director of Policy and Planning for the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA). Communities in Motion is a consultancy she founded in 2012, in which she has worked with several organizations addressing homelessness. Communities in Motion has helped produce a community plan to address and youth homelessness in South Los Angeles and recently helped the Los Angeles Metropolitan Authority (LA Metro) create a Transit Homeless Action Plan.

Grace received her Bachelor of Science in Public Policy & Management and a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of Southern California Price School of Public Policy. Grace is also one of the Founding Advisory Board Members for the USC Price School Alumni Advisory Board.

Officer Spotlight - Lieutenant Lamont Quarker  has dedicated over two decades to serving and protecting his community with the Rialto Police Department Read more.
