Homegrown Violent Extremism Digital Summit - Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

On November 8, 2019, SCI presented the USC Homegrown Violent Extremism Digital Summit, a live-streamed event offering panel discussions on surviving violence, digital media and disengagement from extremism.

Panel 1 – Surviving Extremist Violence: Victims and communities struggle with physical and psychological ramifications after an attack, and the panel featured experts who shed light on the challenges and needs victims face. Panelists: Dr. LaVonna Lewis, Cynthia Deitle, Josh Stepakoff and Dr. Tony Beliz.

Panel 2 – Extremism and Digital Media: Violent extremists use online forums to share hate and promote their ideology, and panelists discussed the nexus between digital media and extremism. Panelists: Dr. Erroll Southers, Joanna Mendelson, Rick Eaton and Taylor Dumpson. 

Panel 3 – The Path Out of Extremism: As important as preventing terrorist attacks is drawing extremists away from hate and violence, and panelists discussed the approaches and tools that can encourage adherents to reject their extremist ideology. Panelists: Dr. Peter Simi, Tony McAleer and Sammy Rangel.

Officer Spotlight - Lieutenant Lamont Quarker  has dedicated over two decades to serving and protecting his community with the Rialto Police Department Read more.
