Police Reform Beyond the Slogans - Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Safe Communities Institute (SCI)

Police Reform Beyond the Slogans

The Temple Judea’s Racial Justice Initiative presented a series, “Unpacking LA’s Criminal Justice System.” The second panel, “Police Reform Beyond the Slogans,” featured SCI Director Dr. Erroll Southers, LAPD Deputy Chief Emada Tingirides, and Connie Rice discussing current and future efforts toward police reform. Watch the full panel recording below.

Safe Communities Institute

The Safe Communities Institute (SCI) at the USC Price School of Public Policy continues a more than 60-year tradition of research, interdisciplinary education, and collaboration to advance sustainable “whole-of-community” public safety strategies, policies, and programs. SCI takes a holistic approach to encouraging and informing public safety efforts through collaboration between all public safety disciplines and the communities they serve.

Officer Spotlight - Lieutenant Lamont Quarker  has dedicated over two decades to serving and protecting his community with the Rialto Police Department Read more.
